I Could Get “U”sed to This

So, I guess I am going to resort to weekly posts. Baby Peter is going through a phase (I hope) of waking up after an hour or two of sleep and needing to sleep with or on someone.

We are total suckers. We keep talking about getting him back in his crib, but neither one of us is willing to put in the effort. It’s not so bad though, since the reward is going to bed early and getting to snuggle with the cutie pie.


Even covered with food, he is just too cute!

Despite, my lack of blogging time, school has been going very well lately. We are really in a groove with our routine and the boys have been exhibiting incredible creativity and imagination. Two qualities that make my life as their teacher very easy.

This week we uncovered the underrepresented letter U. Our favorite book of the week was, “The Underground Gators” by, Tina Casey that is based on the urban legend that alligators live in the sewers of New York City. Being a family that loves animals and New York City, it was an instant hit.

I stapled a black cover sheet to a drawing of a sewer pipe, and the boys had to use their imaginations to think about and paint/draw what was in their pipes.

The boys thought it was hysterical to have a hidden picture.  Clark was difficult to photograph because when I would pick up my camera he would flip his shut and laugh.

I then helped the boys pull on their rain boots, and we headed out to hunt for gators in the sewers. Stopping a long the way to discover what else lived underground.

We found a slug hiding in a hollow, rotting acorn.

We inspected the parts of different plants that were underground.

But, the main event was the gator hunt.

Unfortunately or fortunately there were no gators to be found.  But the day was so gorgeous that no one was disappointed.

We also made umbrellas, despite the lack of rain this week.  However, I am sure we will have plenty of rainy day puddles to splash in soon.

I can hardly believe we are so close to finishing the alphabet. It’s bittersweet. This school year with the boys has been better than I could have imagined when I first thought of the idea of homeschooling. The bond we have created as a family will last forever.

Next year will bring many changes to our lives, but change is good even when what you’ve got going is pretty darn good too.

With spring in the air, it’s hard to be anything but optimistic.